"I was invited to SEEK, not knowing what I was walking into. I promised the Lord that my heart would be open for this conference, for Him to guide me. I was always taught that one can find the Lord within oneself and that He lives in them. Even with that truth, He felt so distant from me. Everything changed when we were in adoration at SEEK. I hadn’t opened my Bible in a long time, but the Lord works in amazing ways. John 6 is the fundamental Biblical passage telling us the Eucharist is the Real Presence. I started reading it while 24,000 people around me worshiped, and I was shocked. Jesus Christ was telling me that the bread that everyone bowed down to was actually Him. The Almighty God who sits on a throne in Heaven was there, on earth, to meet us where we are, inviting us to be broken before Him, so that He may heal us. I meditated over that chapter and I heard someone cry out in this large convention center, “SON OF DAVID, HAVE MERCY ON US!” The Holy Spirit was moving everyone’s hearts in the most personal way. After a couple of days, the Lord was pushing me to make a decision. Do you believe in the Real Presence now that you have seen my glory among 24,000 people? Will you say “yes” to the fullness of truth? I couldn’t deny the truth anymore and when I said “yes,” the Holy Spirit said, “Welcome home!” After a couple of weeks, I was hungry for Him in the Eucharist and entered the Church on Easter Vigil, finally able to fulfill the hunger for the first time in the truest meaning of it all."
Kate, a senior and long-time member of our community shares her reflections:"Being a student is, for me, sometimes a constant battle of trying to get everything on my to-do list done. I try to cross things off as they come up, but it always seems that the list gets longer, never shorter. There is never a shortage of things to do. I'd always said to friends who asked about college "it's busy, but I would rather be busy than bored," without mentioning that the constant go-go-go is exhausting physically, mentally, and (as I learned on retreat) even spiritually. On retreat, I was able to find time to surrender my worries (about internships, assignments, emails, laundry, text messages, and all of the other nonsense that somehow seems so important) and accept that I do not belong to myself, but I belong to the Lord. And, what a wonderful thing that is!'
'When in a loving community, I am able to let down my guard and be at ease. Laughing with true friends is such a blessing. I love that retreats are time away from everything else aside from God, prayer, and fellowship :) "