Welcome to the Catholic Community at Johns Hopkins University!

We are very excited for you to join our wonderful community and want you to stay in the loop with all our events and activities! Here are the top five ways to do so:

  1. Subscribe to our weekly emails! Use the form on the right so you can see all the latest information on game nights, service opportunities, retreats, and lots more events!
  2. Join a small group! It’s a sure way to meet new friends and grow in your faith.
  3. Join the Catholic Community GroupMe where you can ask questions and be notified of event details/quick updates!
  4. Follow us on Instagram!
  5. Email us with any of your questions, suggestions, etc, at catholic@jhu.edu.
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After clicking “Sign Me Up,” please indicate your graduation year. 

Madonna & Child by Il Sassoferrato

“And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what had been spoken to her by the Lord.”

(Luke 1:45)

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